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W h a t    w e    d o   

"Is this for me?"

If you find yourself struggling, questioning or ‘stuck’ with emotions, relationships, anxiety, trauma, body image, identity and sexuality and are ready for insight-oriented inner work and relational understanding; therapy might be the right fit for you.   

While we mainly focus on providing counselling or therapy, we also conduct workshops and initiate discussions to increase awareness around mental health. We are an LGBTQIA+ friendly, affirmative space and is active in engaging with issues faced by the community.

Focusing on addressing a specific and common concern experienced by all participants (usually 5 to 12 people), the intention of which is to use the strength and safety of the group to understand how it can facilitate your therapeutic goals.

A holding space for you to explore, understand and discuss concerns, issues and elements in your life; working on holistic, mindful growth and awareness.

Dealing in different mental health concerns, workshops are conducted to increase awareness within communities and individuals, aiding their knowledge and skill.

Group Therapy

One-on-one Therapy



For therapists only

For therapists only
As an active therapist, supervision is an essential part of monitoring client care and ensuring clients are receiving appropriate therapeutic counselling, and to enhance professional functioning (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009). Get in touch if you’re looking for one-on-one supervision.


P.S. Get in touch for Peer Supervision.   

P.S. We’re looking to expand our peer supervision. Let us know if you’d like to be a part of the same



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embrace the grey


+91 9632414007

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